Make sure that every credit is claimed for you as an individual or for your whole family! We stay up to date on all the updated tax laws to secure your best refund possible.
This is for you if:
- You have received a W-2
- You are single or have a family
Navigating being an entrepreneur is tasking on it's own, let us help you! Get every expense and credit available to you!
This is for you if:
- You have received a 1099
- You started a business or began working for yourself
- You have a nontraditional job ie. Dancer, yoga instructor, Uber Driver, Dasher, Caterer, etc.
You've worked hard to establish your business, we know you're busy, let's make sure your taxes are done right.
This is for you if:
- You are an established business with a business license and EIN number
- You have employees or many contractors to factor into your taxes
You find your own freight and we provide you with administrative support & bookkeeping services
- Completion of broker packets
- Updating books and emails
- Credit checks
- Invoicing
- Check calls
A notary public can help you to handle various business matters, including witnessing and authenticating document execution and signatures. I offer Notary Public services and I am available when you need me.
- Notary Public
- Certified Signing Agent
- Removing Any Negative Items
- Updating credit profile
What are you waiting for?
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